Saturday, September 5, 2015

Which Reminds Me

Someone was telling me to come out, but I don't understand what that means. I cannot spend that much time outdoors with this complexion of mine living here. I would be sunburned to a crisp, which actually has happened before if I spend too much time under the sun. So obviously I cannot go out to where you are when, anyway, experience has already taught me that you are profoundly retarded and will automatically not understand even one thing that I ever said. Goodbye.

And what a shamefaced liar is this Mr. Warren who sits there in his plush palace supposedly claiming to be paying for this, the curses pronounced against poor little me. What a liar. I have not received one penny, not even any benefit, from this hifalutin back-hacking service that he promotes so highly. Just makes me wonder what they are even talking about. But then again I remember that I don't care. If I never see those cousins again in this lifetime, well, experience has taught me they don't have anything that I want anyway.