Friday, February 12, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Anyway, it was the Apostles themselves who instructed Christians to, at the very least, refrain from eating foods sacrificed to idols. So this explains why, when we see Catholic-Pagan Patty burning incense to her Hen-Due idol gods, we are a bit shocked. But that is how these Catholics are, they just don't seem to understand that we Christians live by faith, not by works. So just filling your church with statues of mostly dead people, that does not mean that we would be impressed with your 'points' agenda. I am just saying this only because you asked, but of course if I try to answer your questions it will only make you more angry at me than before. Yet if this point bothers you so much, ask yourself why you can't admit to your own mistake. Because, anyway, it is really not about me.