Monday, October 17, 2016

Which Reminds Me

It is clear that stealing is wrong, and even more so if you give weight to the Ten Commandments, particularly the one that says, "Thou shalt not steal." That wasn't the reason why I criticized Meow-riel's story although I can't remember what I said about that at the time. Maybe it was because I thought that her tone was strident and pedantic, her ideas mundane, her plotting mechanism a bit too contrived and artificial, predictable, not very literary, although I really can't remember. My task of the moment was to criticize and so I did that perhaps a bit too zealously. So I suppose if your father is a wealthy doctor you can to to the top and have me killed for not recommending your article for publication, and yet I continue to not have much sympathy for your non-published attitude problem. So? I doubt that I am the sole cause of her article not being published. I was only one of the commentators, not really the last word.