Thursday, October 6, 2016

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that when I was in college I liked the music of Keith Green, but of him personally I know nothing. I do remember him giving a concert at our college, and then later Sharon Baldwin was saying that never happened, that he never performed at our college, and yet other people said they have vivid memories of his amazing performance at our college. So I tend to think that maybe I do remember something of that. Didn't he perform with bare feet on the piano pedals? Also, during my senior year someone was telling us that he was a sound man at the studio where Keith Green was recording and that Keith Green was having some cranky moments with the people who worked there. I only remember some third-party stuff that one person was saying so I really cannot comment on that in any authoritative way. I liked Keith Green's music, although I wasn't watching that under a microscope but his career was very short, having died so young in an airplane accident, so there is really nothing that we can add to that.