Saturday, March 25, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do think that I would not mind paying the admission fee to walk through the Sam Houston Museum sometime should I ever happen to be in the vicinity of that, there in Huntsville, Texas, although I have yet to get there, even though our family history book explains that Houston has a vendetta against us, meaning the McClellans and their descendants, for some obscure reason. Houston, after all, was elected by the people to be the president of the Republic of Texas, over and above the editorial opposition of my great-great-grandfather who was a newspaper editor in Texas at the time, in the mid-19th century, a factoid that is never far from Houston's thoughts of every generation it would seem, even though we in our generation really don't remember anything about that in a firsthand way. Many of us are content to avoid the hassle of trying to run for public office in the face of Houston's editorial opposition and not interested in reenacting old antiquated dueling scenarios that would be potentially more fatal to us than to them, especially those of us who do not own such big guns and have no training in the use of firearms. What Houston vs. McClellan meant in Old Scotland we have no explanation as of yet. We only have a few clues suggesting that Sam Houston and my ancestor, William Brownlow McClellan, attended the same rustic school in Virginia in the early 1800s, long before their more public feudings of adult life. But there is not much else to go on in that line of thinking, really no reason that we are aware of to personally reenact such Dismal Swamp feuding scenarios.