Friday, March 31, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Immunity? Yes, I won't need immunity for anything. I am no criminal so I have no need to be escorted by these mentally retarded quasi-unofficial Sicilian mafia kids who speak a limited vocabulary of blankety-blanks. Perhaps you have mistaken me for Jill Anderson, who may or may not be descended from the "Scotty Kid" who was actually a notorious railroad hobo and criminal before he got right with God and became a missionary to Bolivia, a unique situation to be sure. Well, information about Tommy has been circulating widely online although I am not sure what Jill's connection was to him, or Dawn's for that matter. Actually, nobody really cares about Tommy's boring Anderson cousins who were actually warring against their black sheep Tommy, using Baptist connections to make us Pentecostals feel like garbage, when actually they were the makers of Tommy criminality, not us. It was a unique time in history, that much is true. Yes, it gets very confusing. We would really prefer to NOT emphasize the Anderson connection because they are self-seeking exploiters of Canada's ambitious expansionist opportunities, not really so helpful to us. Anyway, it just wasn't that important. So obviously there is no prize for exporting the idiotic rantings of Jill and Linda, needless to say. We welcome the opportunity to sell Jill off to Canada, to finally be rid of that fat ugly garrulous hog once and for all.

Not to sound too sanctimonious, but our family history does not include such an infamous criminal as Tommy so we do not need the mental gymnastic of trashy bimbo Jill to make ourselves feel better about that. It was a miracle, to be sure.

We may pity the wicked Anderson kids but we don't need their immunity deal. That may be their personal thing although I am really not sure.