Monday, March 13, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember having babysat the two little Lampp girls once or twice but otherwise nothing is known, just that they probably grew up and got married and had children of their own and worked their jobs and whatever else they did with their lives. But we are not related and I do not work for them so there is no reason for them to be calling me now. If I ever decided to get my nails done I probably would not want to have to drive all the way there just for that. Florida is a very large state and I have seen very little of the west coast. Sorry but life goes on and I don't actually have any reason to go there. Where is my paycheck coming from? That is the only thing that I would be worried about, and clearly they are never going to be doing me in favors in the future so there is no reason for me to go there. One back may scratch another but nothing is owed to them in that line of reasoning, needless to say.