Monday, March 13, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that I was never a student of Henry so, yes, there is no sense of loyalty here to "them" although I don't quite remember why they would hate me that much. I just don't care very much about trying to participate in their Southern fantasy life. Yet the Civil War has been over for a very long time now so we can't just pull out a gun and shoot Henry's Southern Rebel head off his shoulders, much as we might be suspicious about their mysteriously unspoken plan to build a Confederated Central America, headquartered in New Orleans, a favorite shopping destination of Central Americans, although I can't quite remember who first said that. We would need to have actual evidence of what they are talking about, not just a pack of unrelated magazine articles, vague innuendos, which is very scarce and hard to come by. So there is really nothing that I can actually say about that that would make much of a difference.