Sunday, March 5, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that Lurleen Trittin was telling us about how she was helping some women in the organizing of an event at which the speaker was Catherine Marshall, the author, and they were all appalled at how unfriendly she was to them and how she seemed so introverted. They were perhaps expecting someone more outgoing. So that was Lurleen's opinion about some event at which I was not in attendance and know nothing about. Oh, did Pam or Sue forget that it was Lurleen who said that? What was this event anyway? The details were not many. We are not Presbyterians so why are we involving ourselves in these Presbyterian events that are of no concern to us? Why is Lurleen parroting all this gossip that probably did not belong to her in the first place? I have read two or three of Marshall's books in addition to the novel "Christy" and think that she is a pretty good writer even if not hugely extroverted perhaps but few authors really are and besides I never actually met her so it is not my place to comment about some hearsay that only came through Lurleen, not really a hugely reliable source of information in terms of knowing what to believe. And can you imagine mindless empty-headed chatterbox Pammie-Puke ever writing a coherent narrative of anything when she cannot even spell "justice" correctly? We are a bit leery of involving ourselves in this Presbyterian concern when obviously the next thing you will be hearing is the Presbyterians ribbing the Methodicals about their always blazing campaign trails and never being the elect. So yes, some things just never change. For more information on that, you could perhaps try to get Lurleen's husband Paul to vomit all over himself, and then you would understand something more about why they have been divorced for several years now, although we did not see most of the divorce drama which mostly occurred after they moved from here to Oklahoma. We only heard later that Paul turned gay and moved to Chicago, a logical place perhaps for a short-order cook to unload the rest of his Burger King fortune, because his former missionary career is over, sad to say.