Friday, March 3, 2017

Which Reminds Me

That was a strangely overwrought dialogue that you wrote about Wendy and then tried to stuff all those angry words into my mouth when actually I wasn't thinking about her at all. You might be surprised how rarely I ever think of Wendy. I have many things on my mind other than Wendy and the dreary Hoskins brood to whom I actually no personal connection or acquaintanceship, although we see that she certainly does enjoy portraying herself as the heroine in this picture, even though we were not aware of their existence. Yes, one can easily imagine that there might be interesting nuggets of wording spread all over the place that might unlock some interesting dramas that we actually did not know anything about, but how we would ever get that without some requisite paperwork. At the very least a W-2 form would be in order. But I digress.