Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Which Reminds Me

It does seem strange that some people from high school would be so hysterically defensive about something. I do not remember myself ever pressing charges or formally accusing anyone of anything in particular. I might regret having made some ill-advised comment that is better not repeated as I can't quite recall what I said and, anyway, it wasn't that important. Even so, there is no law requiring me to like you. There is no law requiring me to keep you informed of everything little thing that is none of your business. I said something about how ludicrous it is for you to make me feel guilty when I have seen your wickedness with my own eyes, but maybe I was exaggerating. Maybe you weren't that bad, although I really wouldn't be able to say for sure. I was just saying that I was tired of your atttitude problem, but you don't really see it that way, obviously.