Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Which Reminds Me

It has probably been at least 500 years since Black Murray's head on a skewer was presented to the King of Scotland. Strange that there should be so much chatter about this ancient occurrence, as if it mattered now. I have seen the picture on the coat of arms but that belongs to the Clan McClellan. That is not something that I would choose to publicly display on the walls of my own house. That would be weird. It is a piece of ancient history. Good to know that law enforcement has greatly improved its methods and efficiency by a Scotland yard since ancient times. In some accounts it is not clear whether the ancient McClellan ancestor was the sheriff of the county or simply a bounty hunter. 

Our McClellan ancestors arrived in America in the 1700s, so we are not in touch with the aristocratic branch of the family in the U.K. It was only in the 20th century that some bits of information begin to circulate, misty legends of a castle and a title there in Scotland to be claimed if a qualified claimant could be found who dares to do that. How odd that you should chatter on so about Lord Kirkcudbright, as if he were still alive and the title not unavoidably extinct since 1832. His daughter Elizabeth was married to Mr. Lambert and they are gone to Ireland, so their descendants are apparently neither Scottish nor McClellan. The UK's National Trust now administers the ruined castle, which as yet has gone unclaimed. So?