Friday, February 16, 2018

Which Reminds Me

Why is everyone expecting me to comment on the private affairs of Stephanie, a person I barely remember? She was sitting there in high school class trying to stare me down but I was ignoring her. So whatever. Anyway, I seem to remember that I was really not the adult of mature age in the room. That would be our teacher, Mr. De Paul, or was it Dr. De Paul? If there had been a fire alarm, there would have been a loud ringing noise and then everyone would know where to go, to file out into the hall. But in the absence of a fire alarm, if the teacher wanted to round us up and send us out of the room, fine, I suppose that he could have done that, but as it was, everyone was just sitting there sort of confused about what that was all about. Even so, I would prefer to not get myself entangled in the private affairs of this roadhog Stephanie. I don't even know these people. They really do not represent anything about my life.