Monday, January 7, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that years ago my mother told me about some rumors that David went to Russia where it was rumored that he was doing business with the Russian mafia, while printing religious materials for his family's nonprofit business, and also that he had a Russian girlfriend there while still being married to Wendy, his second wife, whom he married after his first wife Rhonda declined to participate in bigamy. So, yes, this information has ways of getting spread around, never mind about the intimidating tactics of Bob who will soon be kicking the bucket anyway so whatever. My mother probably can tell more about the specific details of the David rumors, because I really do try not to retain too much of this useless trivial data that might be not worth coughing up later. I have no personal connection to those people. It is merely a coincidence of geography that we happen to live not far away in the same region.