Monday, January 28, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember than in 5th grade at the American School I joined the band and was trying to learn how to play the clarinet that my mother's cousin had loaned to us, but I was embarrassed that I could not seem to hit the high notes, only bad whistling sounds, not really a good note, so I really could not get much use out of that band thing. Which is why I never did join band in high school, because it was too embarrassing to have this person gloating about beating the white girl. Later in college during a class, a classmate, a guy who plays the clarinet, was suddenly telling me that he did not think that I could play the clarinet because of the way that my lips are shaped, which is an interesting thing to hear him say because, Ok, so maybe I just wasn't born to play the clarinet. Ok, fine. That makes me feel better knowing that.