Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how well I remember that I was NOT invited to participate in the "Used Car Lot" prank my second year at SCC. That prank was masterminded by my classmates, Lynda and Dennis, Dauna and Mary Lastly, and others who repainted a Stop Sign as "Spot," decorated pretty much every car in the parking lot with toilet paper and sales messages on the windows with paint that was hopefully easily soluble in water, the wording of which I do not remember now, and some other things that I have forgotten, and they really did go too far, and so many persnickety people complained of having to wash their cars first thing in the morning before being able to drive to work or somewhere, and really they are always so out of control and always so clever about deliberately NOT including me in their pranks, and whatever, I am not hugely fond of pranks anyway, I would rather get a good night's sleep than sit up all night writing a lousy mediocre term paper when I could have taken the time to do it the right way and still gotten a good night's sleep, so I really am feeling somewhat relieved of the necessity or responsibility of having to feel guilty about that.

So why all the memories. Did you have a point or something