Monday, January 28, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, needless to say, I do not wish to be mistaken for YOU. I really cannot see where your head is at or why I should care about that.

There is a lot of water under the bridge since the days when Walter Strickland may have hosted Tudor guests at his castle in England, needless to say. There is no going back there. The ancient past is gone.

None of that matters to us now, thus we do not appreciate being kicked around by nasty Turner witches whose only apparent purpose is to mercilessly kill Protestants. Fine, kill me and let yourself be overrun by Moslem hordes, see if I care. You will get whatever you deserve in any case. Neither am I to be mistaken for some trashy decadent Anjou palace bimbo. Don't we all have better things to do than be bullied and browbeaten for no apparent reason by irrelevant persons who play no role in my personal life?

I have agreed to leave the planet in the most peaceful way possible, so why all of this aggravation and annoyance, and making it so hard without the money needed for sustaining life in the manner to which I have grown accustomed, as if there were some reason to fight about something?