Friday, January 18, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am suddenly reminded of a meeting with Rodger, in which he told me various stories about my roommate at the time, Kathy Murray, and he said that it looks bad for me to be rooming or associated with this trashy blond person who with her Hawaiian boyfriend had some toxic encounter with the student  council. Yes, well, however that may be, as I was saying, I am barely acquainted with this person. Why did these Murray persons come all the way to California to attend college here when they do not seem to belong here? I have no idea. I think that it was only one semester that I roomed with her there, and she was most of the time out with her boyfriend, and then I was gone, so it is hard for me to remember much about her. Only later do I learn that she married Sergio, of whom I also remember  nothing.