Monday, August 19, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that there was some talk about country music, which I mostly don't care for. That would certainly be a daunting task for any one person to do, of cleaning up the filthy dirty fleabag business of country music. I mean, who cares? You would need an entire army to be able to kick the worthless fleabags of country music to the curb. They ain't got much to boast of in comparison to Motown when it comes to messaging, when pretty much neither side has much to say about anything, having already burned out their brains on drugs and other various sins, and so they can mostly only rerun the old hits from years ago, because they really have nothing new to say about anything, there is no new sound emerging, it could take a long time to cycle out these country music and/or Motown fleabags, and there is no guarantee that a better generation is being prepared to improve matters.