Friday, August 16, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember being asked by various persons, possibly including roommates, about those red marks on my neck, which I explained as, I don't know, maybe I inadvertently scratched my neck when I was putting my clothes on or off, or brushing my hair or something like that. My skin is a bit sensitive that way, said I.

Oddly, one day while walking across the SCC campus, I passed near Tim Cederblom who was walking the other direction, and when he saw me he made some bizarre comment about the hickey on my neck which I got from Terry, which was a most astonishingly false and complete lie on his part, and why should I dignify the idiotic nonsense of an obstinately non-serious joker with any serious thought, and also remembering that Tim does not respond well to any type of criticism, and also that his family has a huge political clout how dare I criticize them in any way, they can really make my life miserable if I should even try to fix that, when they imagine themselves so immune from any attempt to correct the engraved record of their iniquities, it is hard for me to know how to react to that. At the time I chose to shrug off Tim's idiotic rantings as the most recent symptom of mental illness, rather than to create a scene, because anyway how many times do I have to repeat this same explanation about the red marks on my neck which I have already explained to several people.

And yet on the other hand, I cannot just let such an appalling lie by Tim go unremarked, the narrative uncorrected. My reputation is at stake. I cannot be expected to keep track of Terry's many trashy bimbos. I am getting a bit annoyed with these Viking bores and more and more I could not care less about volunteering to speak for them.