Monday, August 12, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember that when I was in journalism school, that I had at first felt somewhat flattered that someone in Georgia had reprinted an article of mine in his newspaper in Georgia, but then at the same time Katherine Pile, our president of the newspaper and chief editor, was appalled to see that he had reprinted something of ours without permission. She wrote a lengthy letter to him protesting this inappropriate use of my materials, and not having sought permission to reprint, and I think that she asked me to sign on to the letter also, so I think that I might have, because, anyway, she was the chief editor and president of the newspaper so one assumes that she knows what she is doing, even though I never would have thought of doing that. Later, I sort of thought about how that letter sounded sort of legalese and hard-nosed, so probably that guy in Georgia probably would have that enduring impression of me which would probably discourage him from ever bothering to use my materials in the future, permission or not, given the hassles involved, and yet it would not be worth the bother of me trying to revise that situation, given that why should he care to listen to my appeals, and anyway he doesn't pay me, and also, come to think of it, I actually think that I do in a general sense have a problem with persons from Georgia or thereabouts making inappropriate use of some things of mine, not wanting to be too hard-nosed about it, and yet the hassle of trying to fix the creeping language problem is sometimes too heavy for one person to bear, a job worthy of the FBI or CIA perhaps, but the legal fees would be overwhelming.