Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do sometimes wonder why you are so fascinated with the Ways. I have the blue album of "The Way" from the 1970s, which actually I still sort of like, which must mean that it is a classic, although I never did buy their other album, the yellow album. But as for Miss Way, myself having some actual experience during college of seeing how she likes to pick arguments about and discuss various points that I might prefer to avoid, and myself not wanting to be bothered with the troublesome task of having to inform Miss Way that I am dropping her from my friends' list for that very reason, I at least for one would prefer to put her away quietly and simply, so as to avoid the hassle that might result, and not always have to create a huge scene about nothing much, and also to leave the door open later if she changes her mind and repents of being a colossal nuisance. Why are you not cooperating with my perfectly reasonable and civil modus operandi? What is wrong with you? Why all this to-do about nothing, this tempest in a teapot?