Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember that years ago for a few months my desk was facing that of Patty Robertson, who went on to marry her boss Ed, the company's vice president, although I don't remember attending the wedding, we were not such close friends as that, and they might have gone to her home church in San Jose or Sacramento, California, to get married, and then they were traveling and doing ministry together for a few years, and I do remember that Patty also sings very well, until they got divorced, as the rumors said, and Patty went home to California and Ed backslid and went to Virginia Beach where he went to work for a New Age company there promoting things that were not so Christian as one might expect. But then again we remember that Ed scoffed when a visitor to the company gave him a gift of a little book with a poem about the "Hound of Heaven," because what would Ed know about poetry, or about how God tracks people down wherever they might be and brings them around, when he is running the other way. People who are only concerned with counting widgets might sometimes lose sight of the bigger picture. So while it is good that there are some persons on the planet such as Ed who are good at counting widgets, that is really not enough information for me to comment intelligently upon matters that were none of my concern. I really don't care that much about whatever Patty does.