Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I do remember having read the Pollyanna books that were in our little school library during childhood, and I do think that the point of Pollyanna is often wrongly understood and mangled in real life and popular culture. I well remember that the name of Pollyanna's husband was James, a name which because of that I always thought sounded so nice in a fictional setting, but which does not translate as well into reality. I do not have a husband named James or any other name for that matter. Also, nobody is fooled into imagining that that silly nitwit in any way resembles Pollyanna.

Yes, you were saying that I am not allowed to exercise the Pollyanna brand of positive thinking because you will be shoveling all the negativity that you can muster onto me, so that they can by contrarian ying-yang mechanism keep the Pollyanna positive advantage all to themselves.

Such a bummer!

And what would you know about Pollyanna, anyway? You were never in our library. You never read the books, only saw the title referenced somewhere. The name of Pollyanna is often thrown around without any thought of what that really means, but logic and pretty pictures alone cannot illuminate these spiritual things. Something else would be required.