Monday, August 26, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, now that I have studied some of these issues more carefully, and am now aware of the existence of Harvey and some other issues, it becomes worrisome to think that the Methodists think they are going to walk away with having everybody in their pockets, and if you are not a Methodist you are just clueless. And some of these Lutherans have gone Catholic and what does Protestantism mean anyway now that everything is reduced to the lowest common denominator? Harvey, who died in the 1940s, outlived his own Methodist denomination, and how can there be any certainty in the future? And if there is no denomination, where will the Christians of China, in churches that we originally planted, turn for guidance in the future, after the United States has so thoroughly changed from its original mission that they are no longer remembered? These are questions to which I don't know the answers.