Thursday, August 8, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, how well I remember that during the summer before my senior year of high school, when there was an AIM team of our church denomination who came from Arkansas for a week, how I served as a translator for door-to-door witnessing and that is how I came to lead various persons to the Lord. The team would introduce themselves using a script and from there I sometimes had to improvise a little bit the rest of the explanations and leading persons into the prayer of salvation, if they were open to that. So that was really quite an experience for me, actually doing that myself instead of only watching other people. The angels rejoice for even one sinner who repents, so I feel like I did my share of that.

Yes, you would think that I would have also been able to witness to certain vicious nasty people at high school, but no, they were not approachable, most of them were busy with their own climbing of the social ladder. Their heads were somewhere else and the timing wasn't right. Just look, for example, at the pagan trash Whitakers. You would think that I would have been able to witness to them, but no, it was impossible.