Saturday, February 5, 2011

Betty's Book

I already told Betty White that I do not have her book. How many times do I have to repeat this story? It just goes to show that talking to psychologists is pointless. These people go into psychology to solve their own problems and if you talk to them you will end up with more problems than you had ever imagined. She was recommended by Vickie Smeya. So anyway one week she loaned me a book. I distinctly remembered giving it back. It was boring stuff anyway. Then the next week she asked me for the book back and I told her that I gave it back to her. I don't have it. A few months later the washing machine malfunctioned and we had a flood in our house. I had to remove every book on my bookshelves along with the furniture and her book never appeared anywhere. So obviously I remembered rightly that I did give the book back. These people are weirder than weird and seeming weirder all the time. Which is why I deeply resented and failed to appreciate Betty White calling me a thief. How utterly rude!