Friday, February 18, 2011


I wonder why "IT" imagines that I owe it anything? If I owe anything to anyone, it is not to "it" that it is owed. It is to the banks perhaps who extend credit cards to which I may owe money for the great convenience afforded this humble servent who did not deserve such generous credit to start with but to "it" per se I owe nothing at all. I do not recall requesting any loan or credit card from "it" so I am rightfully surprised to see person unattached to my bank suddenly demanding repayment of something to which they are not entitled. I know where my credit card papers are filed away. I know what my problems are and you don't. I think you are just fishing for information that is private and to which you are not privy and you imagine that perhaps by addling my brain you might get me to voluntarily dish out information which, in order to obtain, you would otherwise be forced to commit criminal activities. Better, you have said, to force me into a criminal lifestyle so that you can enjoy running roughshod over me. I must remind you, therefore, that Congress has prohibited the establishment of any state religion. Just because you are Southern Baptist, that does not make us Pentecostals your vassal-serfs. (Yes, it was so interesting that report I did on medieval times in maybe seventh grade, learning about castles and all.) No, we must remind our government legislators and rules that in order to ensure that the U.S. Constitution is honored, no preferential treatment must be granted to Southern Baptist stiffs or, for that matter, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, etc. As far as the law is concerned we are on the same level and Southern Baptists especially need to be reminded that they are not in charge of filling the prisons with Pentecostal serfs. The law is inveighed on each individual on his own merits and Baptists cannot expect to get off Scot-free when all is said and done. Southern Baptists are an especially ornery brand of obnoxious people, so well illustrated by the example of the Bells and Reeces whom we are all so relieved to be free of now that we are no longer forced to live in the same country with them, praise the Lord.