Monday, February 7, 2011

Voodoo Economics

Yes, I did vote for George Bush, both of those guys, father and son, and still they treat us with utter contempt, poking us with pins and needles, so basically this is how the Republicans repay their voter base I suppose. I do vaguely remember reading about the time that George Bush derided Reagan's free market economics as a bunch of voodoo, George Bush being basically a socialist who believes in more government control of the economy along the lines of the New World Order. Did I comment to someone about this reading material or did I make mention of this in some school paper? I really do not remember. I only remember reading about this somewhere but this is the 20th century and women in America do know how to read and write, unlike the dogs of Puerto Rico. Makes you wonder why more people do not change parties when actually the Bush family does not have anything of value to say to me. They are just a bunch of powerful rich people who want to steal my inheritance to enrich their social agenda. They do not believe that I am worthy to benefit from the inheritance with which they are well acquainted from their secret society connections. They cannot have bad girls commandeering the world's oil reserves, I am guessing, not that this logic is fair or balanced in my opinion. Basically, what matters to them is having money in the bank and I just don't have it. What is bad? Yes, I remember Sylvia talking about how in today's culture sometimes what is bad is called good and what is good is called bad. How true. How utterly vain to try to be good when the agenda has already determined that I should be bad. Nevertheless, the fact that I was talking about 'Dutch' Reagan does not make me the the Dutch whore so dreaded by the Countess of Derby who nevertheless was not able to reach Holland in time to avert the dreaded marriage of her eldest son. No, I could point fingers and say a lot of stuff about that but then I would only be cooperating with their agenda and falling hopelessly farther into the trap they have built for me.