Monday, January 13, 2014


Oh! I never knew that Cousin Graden's claim to fame was a statue and fountain in Beverly Hills for which he served as model of an Indian man even though any Indian blood in the veins of our generation would likely be in such trace amounts as to be laughable, most likely. I certainly would not want to volunteer myself as representing Indian blood, personally speaking. And how many Americans nationwide imagine themselves descended from the Indian princess Pocahontas whether true or not? Quite a few actually entertain this romantic fantasy, surprisingly. Hence the fame of the Disney movie. But if the Indian Nation wants to remove Graden's likeness to be replaced with that of a more full-blooded representative of the Native American races I doubt that anyone in our branch of the family would object or even care to comment. We never knew whether it was really there so obviously we would not really notice if it were removed, either. Whatever.