Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember reading Karl Marx in high school, in Spanish I think although I am not sure, but I don't have that book now. Perhaps someone stole it and if so they are welcome to keep it. I don't want it back now. I don't really need that stuff now, obviously. It just makes you wonder what the teachers were thinking when they were assigning books because some of these books are just so dreary and depressing. I just want to forget about that stuff and get on with my real life. Books are not real life. I like to read but there is a limit to what books are worth in a personal way. Some books deserve to be forgotten on some dusty library shelf and pulled out only for an actual humanitarian purpose, not just to inflict torture upon me, which seems to be the only purpose of this whole exercise in futility.