Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Recently upgrading my genealogical research we see that my mother's Cousin Graden had a daughter named Stephanie. Oh, I didn't know that. Her middle initial is "D." Ok, so, whatever. She is an accomplished artist and painter which is very convenient for her. Now I am starting to remember that my mother said that she at one time worked for Hallmark, the greeting card company. How convenient for them. That's nice. Obviously there would be no connection between the Cousin Graden's daughter, Stephanie Newsom, and the Stephanie Share who was a high school classmate of mine, a wild and scary person of whom I remember almost nothing. It would be better for me not to say anything about Stephanie than to just make up some stuff that I really don't know. Why is it that these people set themselves up to knock me down if I should try to say hello and then are disappointed when I don't bite the bait? I am just really not that dumb, actually. Sorry about that.