Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I am fairly certain that there are already lawyers in place who are concerned with sending, at regular intervals, the check for gas and oil royalties to Beverly Klein, so I see no reason to worry about that. My mother said that she lives in Temecula. I never met her and I don't know anything about her or why it is that she and Richard are divorced and who their children might be. I really don't want to know anything else about the KKK or how much money they think they are missing out on. Life is complicated enough already without all of their mental issues added to that. I really have no idea. They have the land also which we do not have, nor do we care at this point. It was only my grandmother who raised the issue of rocks, not me. I am too mature now to fall for that bait. Life is too short to care about that.