Friday, January 10, 2014


It seems to me that there is nothing that I can do to contend with the rich and powerful Klein clan. If they set their minds to have me murdered and my inheritance sold to Karen, I would have no remedy in courts of law because obviously they are playing their cards under the table. I cannot present court's evidence of the Kleins' theft and embezzlement activities when obviously I cannot prove it in so many words. I will just be dead and gone before anything can be done to dispose of that problem. So whatever. Nevertheless, Karen only got herself a doctor, nothing more. She is not in line to get  anything from me. Just being Jewish is no magic talisman in a court of law. The blood of Jesus covers me in that regard so I would have no reluctance to assist in prosecution of the Klein-Kraiss clan if necessary, but only if asked. Otherwise, all I can say is I wish those people would stop bugging me. I just wanted to have my own life after college with no Kraiss involvement. The Klein-Kraiss clan will just have to get used to being out of the loop because my life is none of their business. Enough said.