Thursday, June 2, 2016

Which Reminds Me

So you smart alecky Communists think that you are so clever in seizing my inheritance. Well, guess what! All you are going to get is a tax bill. All the rights that you would get from me would be a perpetual and unending responsibility to pay a tax bill. Whether you would ever actually get any income from that is a matter of some speculation. It could be a hundred years before they get around to actually pumping oil there, assuming they ever find something on our particular spot. There is currently no rush to tap American oil when the Middle East oilfields are producing an abundance of fuel to meet all needs around the world. So I really don't see the logical reason for such jealousy of my inheritance when actually it is just a bill that I don't even know how I would pay given all the damages wreaked by these horrid greedy New Yorkers who actually don't know what they are talking about. Who are you to command U.S. oil reserves, you greedy idiot?