Sunday, June 12, 2016

Which Reminds Me

I remember hearing that the second wife of my Dad's Uncle Ben was a Puerto Rican lady. He died a few years ago and she might also have died. So that was nice that they had companionship in their retirement years. Still, I never met them and don't know anything about it. It does seem a bit awkward to have this huge pack of Puerto Ricans continuously agitating to make something out of nothing. Most of us are not very interested in learning more about the particulars of Puerto Rico and its territorial condition, not being involved in the politics of that. It was really the Scotty Kid Tommy Anderson who was the minister to the Porto Ricans of Hawaii, not us. The Scotty Kid might have been an acquaintance of my great-grandparents. My Dad's Uncle Ben had three brothers and three sisters and the extended family is now much bigger than that. Now that the Puerto Ricans are bankrupt I have no idea what that will mean in regards to their future statehood. I never knew anything about it. I wasn't paying attention to that.