Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Yes, it does seem strangely out of place, all this silly chatter about the Nobel Prize. William Faulkner was one of the few Americans who actually won that prize, but there have been few and far between, the U.S. citizens who actually passed Swedish hurdles that are only vaguely comprehended here. Who knows, maybe if you write a book someday you too might have a chance to win the Nobel Prize, although literature is not the only way to win it. You could also make some amazing discovery in areas of science, mathematics, or economics. And then there is the Peace Prize, which has something to do with Swedish politics perhaps, I really don't understand how that works. Even so, it would be extremely premature to speculate whether the United States would care to sponsor your application to the Peace Prize, given your overwrought hostilities on silly points of wording. But I digress.