Monday, November 6, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Only in our recent researches do we learn of the existence of Baron San Giovanni who works for the U.S. Water Department. Hmmm. ... I wonder if he is related somehow to the San Giovannis of high school. Oddly, there is a question of whether the San Giovannis ever lived in Malta or Sicily. A point of no interest to me, but are they Italians or Maltese? This actually could matter somehow, although I am not sure how. I was not aware until recently of the Stricklands of Malta and/or Britain. My grandmother was a Strickland but the documentation connecting America to them is somewhat sketchy and irrelevant to the point of Malta. You were making some points about the Norman conquerors of whom the Stricklands may be numbered, sort of. And there is even a castle that at one time belonged to the family of Walter Strickland, but now belongs to England's National Trust. Even so, I don't know why I should care about that. I am neither Maltese nor Italian nor British. I really cannot see why I should feel sorry for these vicious hateful nasty Italian/Maltese witches named Kathy. These points are not connecting somehow.

Maybe you could write a new book, "Killing Ted."