Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Are we confused or what? What is this, the Spanish Inquisition?

The courthouse of San Francisco is not an appropriate place to be prosecuting people for their religious beliefs and personal opinions, one would think. If you don't like something or cannot agree on various points of religion, fine. But the People of San Francisco should not be overflowing the boundaries of their limited jurisdiction in order to carry out someone's personal vendetta, one would think.

If you wanted to fire him as your agent that would be one thing. But to prosecute for not having a license to sell financial securities, all the while not providing one shred of evidence that any transaction or exchange of money for services ever took place, forces us to ask on what hatrack you left your head.

You describe numerous extractions of money from San Francisco, but in prosecuting that as robbery, you render the value of any potential investment at $0.

So you are left with nothing. You are just a big fat zero. So thank you very much for, what? Nothing? I don't understand. You are nobody that I ever heard of until I read the diaries.