Friday, November 3, 2017

Which Reminds Me

Why Sam, you blithering idiot, you have only yourself to blame for this wonton display of Jessica. I am rather shocked to learn of your intimate familiarity with the dreary cake bakers of Branson. The longer you talk, the more obvious it becomes that you spent a lot of time hanging out in the Gem. Uhhhh! What self-respecting Christian girl cares to be counted amongst the dreary counterfeiters who would ever pause to listen to the idiotic ratings of trashy bimbos named Jessica? It is mere coincidence that I happen to live in Florida, not by any design of socializing with them. Although it does seem an odd oxymoron that this dull and dreary Jessica should get away with all the money just for doing basically nothing other than to be a public nuisance. Other than maybe to give public notice of the need for Jim's empty head to be plowed under to make way for people who might not be so glamorous but who will be willing to do the requisite job without all this ridiculous and inappropriate freak show going on at the back door. But I am not the doormat of your back door. Needless to say.

But Sam lives on a different planet now. He married Jane and now must putter around in Deep Do-Do. Do this, do that, do whatever. Due this, due that, due whatever. Sad to hear, but I belong to the Independent Party now so that those dreary party poopers will have no place for raining on my parade. A party is not everything. There are priorities more important even than party planning. Parties have their places.

But Sam now lives on a different planet, obviously. Through Jane, he is now distantly related by in-law to the dreary Walkers of West Virginia, who at some time were missionaries somewhere in South America, maybe Peru or Ecuador, so he is confusing me with Elizabeth Hunt, who is my Dad's cousin. Now he talks through the Walkers, who have publicly given notice that they do not want me to come along with them. Their idea of me is perhaps confused with the Hunts, our relatives who were missionaries in Venezuela at the same time that we were in El Salvador. I never really compared notes with the Hunts so I really cannot speak for them. I have to just shrug off this nonsensical bid for Walker/Hunt self-importance because, anyway, not to necessarily defend Elizabeth, but neither am I related to the Walkers.

I am independently me and do not care to further this ridiculous dialogue through the nose.