Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, if I had known from the start that your only thought was to ruin my life, I might have said "No" to the first question, thus sparing myself the trouble of arguing with boring mindless party drones. But  not being fully informed of where I was going or why, I was a bit slow to notice some other things going on behind my back, so now there is nothing to do but dump you in the garbage later, sorry but this whole scheme is too stupid to try to explain in so many words.

And anyone conspiring with that hideous dog Robin would be automatically expelled also, so, yes, we should all carry on as if Robin never existed, which means that never happened, because it was all her plot, and I am not such a fan of this canned pineapple, with all of the original flavor almost completely gone. But for fresh pineapple, it must be a certain type of pineapple.