Monday, September 30, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, that is somewhat lame, their attempt to sell us distant Strickland connections in America to the Italians of Sicily, on a lame pretext that, for one thing, the Stricklands were among the Normans who first came to England with William the Conqueror, and at the same time there were some Normans who, upon returning from the Crusades, settled in Italy and eventually became the kings of Sicily and Naples, but they were deposed or conquered by the Anjous and others, so that probably there are still could be theoretically some Italians still who have some distant genealogical link to the Normans, but there is nothing very royal or special about that. What? 1 or 2 percent Norman? No, there is no fit for us in Sicily or Malta, either one. Leave me out of that.