Thursday, September 19, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Yes, I vaguely remember Lynda talking about how she went to some choir festival and sang with some black choirs. She is also a pianist. Lynda said that she really admires how they sing very loudly, the main concept seeming to be loud as possible, which actually, to be honest, does not necessarily pique my interest. I mean, what self-respecting white person wants to sing in a church choir where all of the music is written strictly for black people? I already know that I cannot quite match their sound, so why bother trying? Let the church choir be its black self, and let us white people find other things to do than serve as cut bait for this black choir game.

Yes, I am not averse to the creating of a separate music department for the black choir, and then we would also need a separate music department for the Latino people and their reedy-sounding voices, and also a separate department for the Italian opera people, because if you are not well steeped in the opera lore it makes no sense, and what self-respecting white person wants to be mistaken for some caterwauling Italian diva. I would leave that role as the sole dominion of Kim Coffero and also Jennie. And then we would also need a separate music department for those Czech folk dancers who never bothered to pay tuition so we cannot find any chairs for them. But of course all of this splitting off will leave a few extraneous persons without any reason to be there. Needless to say.