Friday, September 20, 2019

Which Reminds Me

Oh, is that the Trap-Fords I am hearing in the background mooing and bleating as if they were animals and not really persons of any intelligent thought worthy of verbal expression? I have no reason to be dialoguing with irrelevant persons of no interest to me, although there is always the thought of Walter Strickland, possibly a common ancestor, but you have to go all the way back to Tudor England to figure that out, and what else is there to say about that? If it were a matter of money, we have nothing to bestow upon them. Sorry about that. And we are trusting them to take good care of the old castle without us having to worry about that, or else the National Trust of England will help them with that, and also their house in Malta is not really my problem. So what else is there to say? I have no reason to go there.