Monday, September 23, 2019

Which Reminds me

Yes, my parents recently did their DNA tests, and for my mother there was no surprise, all english and scottish. Clearly, obviously, my mother, and by extension, my grandmother, who was a Strickland, are not much related to that other branch of the Stricklands of the U.K. who are partly  Maltese, the Baron, Gerald Strickland having married a Maltese woman and they had several daughters but no son. I was not aware of the existence of these people, and their Maltese connections. Whatever. Even so, neither do I feel any affinity for or connection to Sicily. You may be hinting at a revival of the ancient kingdom of the Two Sicilies, for all i know about that. And that would mean unwanted participation in the ongoing saga of Castro vs Calabria,which I would much prefer to avoid. Part of the job of being an independent nation would be for them to make their own decisions about how to handle Sicily without any interference and/or input from me. Needless to say.