Thursday, August 18, 2011

To Be Or Not To Be

Yes, the law says that I must respect my creepy weird father even when he might be having an affair with his secretary, not that I would know anything about that, and even when he does everything to help my enemies triumph over me, including that creepy little pervert David. It logically follows that my dilemma is this: To be or not to be. Shall I continue to live and endure the cruel sleights and insults dished out by my wicked family members or should I avail myself of the ultimate solution and commit suicide? Only problem is that if I killed myself then that would only make everyone very happy. They could all divvy up the money without having to set aside a portion for me and that is apparently what they want. It seems that my existence is a huge inconvenience to all and perhaps that is enough reason to extend my lifetime long enough for them to get a clue that there is not going to be an easy way out. Just dumping me in a closet is not going to solve their problem so they really should get real and start talking truth to the police instead of plotting to murder me. After all, "to be or not to be" is only an actor's line from a fictional play, probably not what really happened. Anyway, someone was saying that it was weird that I chose to memorize a few lines from this Shakespeare play to recite for my Friday poem at MK school because Hamlet was a man and only men are concerned about these matters. Women really don't care, I suppose. Yes, but I had to have a poem to recite every Friday and I suppose I had heard of those famous lines of Shakespeare's Hamlet and did not really know what they were. It was very hard to memorize the few lines that I did recite because those words just don't fit in my little head. Quite true. But every Friday we all had to have a poem or Scripture verse to recite to the class. I probably did more Scripture than poetry but sometimes poetry is interesting, too.