Friday, July 6, 2012

Distant Cousins

It is vaguely interesting to note that some distant cousins of ours, the grandchildren of Tim Barth in Northern California, have ended up with the surname Israel. I cannot imagine how that could have happened as no one in our family is Jewish and we are all Christians, completely sold out to Christ, with one or two exceptions. As far as we are concerned, this present age is the kingdom of God and of His Christ, and if you cannot accept Christ as your Messiah then you really have no place trying to order us around and telling us what to think when you really do not represent anything that we believe and hold dear. We feel sorry for you because you are spiritually blind and lack the true understanding of the light of Christ but we feel that if you cannot cooperate with us on the basis of polite society rules of the U.S.A. then, well, you could always emigrate to Israel, a place where you can play by Israeli rules. Here in the U.S.A. we have no establishment of government-sponsored religion and thus we do not want to be hearing from you through the podium of politicians and politically radicalized pastors who are not related to us and don't really understand who we are. We are not against you but if you are continually antagonizing us then you make it impossible for us to help you understand the stark reality that our family is actually not holding a secret pot of money. I don't understand where these jokes come form. There is always the mail if you really have something intelligent to say to us.