Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dreams and Visions

Although I was never aware of the existence of the "Theosophical Outlook" until recently and as a general rule never have time for the "National Enquirer," there being so many more important things to read and think about in the whole scheme of things, still I believe that there is no reason to doubt the eyewitness accounts listed in the review of the book by Colonel Gardiner regarding "The Visions of Mons." Certainly, there were enough similarities in the stories to assume that possibly some supernatural phenomenon may have been manifested on the battlefields of World War I, an event now receded nearly one hundred years into the past, even if the evidence is purely anecdotal. The scary part is the idea that one gets that perhaps many of the persons who experienced these visions died there on the battlefield and only a handful survived to tell the tale. Thus, while I agree that there probably are spiritual forces at work on battlefields, I have not much desire to learn more about that. Internet sources indicate that I could drive several hundred miles to read this book available only in a library in another state, but why bother? It's just not that important to me. I am not unaware of the place of the "National Enquirer" at supermarket checkout stands, but why clutter my brain with all that irrelevant trivia? It's just not that important to me.