Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Handyman Chores

When we were in El Salvador, my Dad served a short time as the director of the Bible institute. During that time, he prided himself in being probably the only director who, in addition to administrative duties, was not too proud to lend a hand to assist with various repair jobs such as when the bathroom plumbing was broken and other odd jobs. This type of eagerness to step down from lofty mysterious heights of administration to perform menial tasks, unlike some other missionaries, actually seemed to clash with the upwardly mobile ambitions of the Bible school students who were looking forward to occupying positions of prestige from which they could delegate these menial tasks to the less fortunate servants hired to worry about these minor details, freeing them to worry about more important matters. Not that I would be able to comment on these matters given the fact that I am apparently considered not competent to administer anything and thus nobody wants to hear it from me.