Thursday, July 26, 2012

More About Pam

I seem to remember that Pam Hart was the roommate of June who was in the room during the talk. Of course, June was quite the wild woman so it is hard to imagine what kind of strange spin she might have put on the conversation of Dareda and others because the way it came out of Pam Hart made it sound totally weird, even weirder than the original. So anyway, I totally agree with what Pam was saying in the sense that I think that premarital sex is wrong. We are Christians and we just don't do that. I do not believe that desperately frizzled dog Dareda was suggesting that exactly but that is what Pam made it sound like. I really do not want to think about it that much. This actually would be a subject matter for analysis by someone with a Ph.D. in the appopriate discipline, namely Jennie Cerrullo. I would not want to claim the credentials of a Cerrullo and thus I discreetly avoid this subject unless it is thrown in my face in which case I try to be nice but anyway it is not something that I know anything about so I really would prefer to err on the side of caution when push comes to shove, not that I would ever have that problem. There are lots of nice Christian guys out there who are also somewhat risk averse for the right reasons, I would imagine, so there is no need for me to explain this to them. If the man cannot be a Christian leader to me then I would have to leave him behind in the dust because a true gentleman would not be so ungentlemanly as to try to force me to explain why Dareda said that. About the time that Jan Green disappeared I remember someone telling the story of someone else who was expelled years earlier on the first floor of the dorm because of a cigarette in the room and ladder outside the window but I really would not have any idea who that person was because that was several years earlier and anyway I do not remember why Ukrainian Sue or Marge Couch or someone was even telling this story about a total stranger's case totally unrelated to Jan Green's case except that these little stories get passed down the grapevine. Jan Green told us that her sister climbed out a window and eloped but that is a whole different story.